Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Busy Tuesday Night!

PaPa and I went to Longview Tuesday night to hear James play in his spring concert. We met Cindy and James and Joshua at Papacita's and had a great dinner--with Josh in his uniform ready for his baseball game and James in his shirt and tie for his concert. After dinner, PaPa and I took James to the concert while Cindy ferried Joshua to his game. Then Cindy met us at the concert. The band was really good and James was impressive on the trombone. Then PaPa and I hurried James to his ball game while he changed in the back seat into his baseball attire. We watched his game until Cindy met us with Joshua and finished the evening watching James hit a hard line drive off the first pitch. I didn't even have the camera ready! He stole and ended up scoring. He's a fast runner and sure can hit the ball! It was fun watching the big boys play. James is one talented young man.

Last night, we went to see Mamaw and Papaw. They were feeling well, but Mamaw was having a little bit of a grumpy day. So was I. Every now and then we all have to grumble a little. Overall, though, she was still in much better spirits than she was for so long. Tuesday, Ed and Donna are coming in with their kids and their spouses on their way up to Kansas City for Donna's Dad's funeral Saturday. They'll stay here with us a couple of days and spend some time with Mamaw and Papaw and see what they can do to take care of getting the farm ready to sale.

1 comment:

david & cindy said...

Whew! I am tired just reading about how busy you are. Hope you can get a little R&R on the long weekend. Good napping weather if it rains, right? Hope you are all doing well. Cindy