Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm Proud To Be an American

The election is over and our new president, Barack Obama, will be inaugurated into office in January. This is a historic first for our country. It wasn't what we planned or hoped for, but we voted and our vote counted, and that is our right, our privilege, and our duty as citizens of this great nation. The United States is much more than one person or one way of thinking. We are strong because this country was built by giants and heroes, people who stood for their beliefs and fought for what they saw as right. We are descended from those great men and women, and we should be proud of what our nation that they fought for is today. It has faults, and it has problems, and it's had sad days and happy days, good times and bad, but this nation is the greatest nation on earth. People from other countries risk their lives every day to be able to live here, in the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are blessed to be able to call this great land (and state of Texas) our home. We are Americans, and the pride we have in what our nation has been and the expectation of what it will be in the future keeps us going through bad times.