Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving in Florida

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Tampa with Susan and Matt and the boys, but missed the rest of our family spread out in Texas. I hope everyone had a wonderful day, also, and remembered to be thankful for all our family's blessings. Here are a few moments of our time in Tampa. It was such fun getting to know Benjamin better. He's developed quite a personality--not only does he look like his PaPa, I think he probably acts like PaPa did as a toddler. He's an adorable little stinker! And it was a joy welcoming Alexander! He is so, so cute! After getting home, I put up the tree. It wasn't nearly as much fun as when all the little boys help, but I had to make do with help from PaPa. 'Tis the season! Merry Christmas!

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