Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cousin Fun!

This old house has been bursting with little boy and girl energy the past two weekends!  This weekend is quiet enough that I have time to document some of the fun.  The kids played in the house, behind the house, and under the house (in the basement), exploring every inch of this old place.  Dade found the old cedar chest upstairs, and decided it was the perfect pirate chest, and we needed to bury it!  They found a dead rat in the basement, which, according to their description of it, had been painted white.  Luke said it had a really long tail, "twice as long as a giraffe's neck!"  He got a sideways look and eye roll from Dade at that comment.  Christopher is a man of few words, but his face is expressive enough to tell a whole story.  And I was lucky enough to catch the small drama in photos when Audrey knocked over his sand castle!  And it's so cute to watch Joshua be the big boy, and he and Dade walk together and talk so seriously to one another.  I wish I could hear some of those conversations!  And I love to watch Audrey interact with Wyatt.  She loves to "mother" him, and he's so patient with her efforts!  And he is the ultimate cuddle bug.  He's content with any of us holding him, soaking up that baby sweetness!

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