Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our Alternative Prom

Every year the Life Skills classes in our area schools get together for an alternative prom.  It's during the day, and it's always a very special time for the kids to dress up, dance, eat, and enjoy seeing one another.  This year, the big one (which gets bigger each year--600 attending last year in Kilgore) was held in Nacogdoches.  That's too far for our medically fragile boys and girls to travel, so we had our own alternative prom in Gladewater.  It was so much fun!  Great attendance--we had lots of regular ed. seniors attend and dance and eat with our special needs kiddos.  We may open it up to some smaller schools in the area next year.  When you start mixing our autistic and fragile kids with huge crowds, the results aren't always fun, so we may avoid the big one from now on.  We had good community support.  The mayor came, as well as some of the school board members and the superintendent.   Working with these kids and our incredible teaching staff is the best part of my job!

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